Corns / Curacorn®


Corns are usually found on the pressure areas of your foot. They are areas of hard skin with a central core. They can become painful if left untreated. Corns are traditionally removed safely using a scalpel which is usually painless. Because they are caused by increased pressure / friction on a particular area of the foot, they may reoccur once they have been removed. We can now offer the revolutionary Curacorn® treatment which s a unique & innovative treatment using specialised gel injections to cushion ‘inside’ the skin to prevent painful pressure lesions such as corns & calluses, making it the perfect treatment for busy patients who find themselves having to return for regular/frequent treatments.

You should always seek professional advice before attempting self treatment of corns. Corn plasters can contain acid which can burn the skin and lead to infections.

You can book a free consultation for Curacorn® via the online booking system.  Please note , the consultation does not include any treatment.  Or you can email or call 01565 651 853 / 07930 526 605 to make an appointment at the Knutsford salon